Tiaxa’s contact tracing platform delivers updated reports on the traceability of the virus within mining sites.

Since the landing of the virus in Chile, the Tiaxa team of experts have developed a technological platform that makes real time traceability of the virus visible within the mining operation while maintaining operational continuity.

Tiaxa addressed the challenge of integrating different data sources which are processed and provided through a digital platform that delivers real-time reports of the virus curve together with operation conditions of tasks, among other insights found crucial for timely and well-informed decision-making. This was achieved by digitizing processes that were frequently performed by hand. In addition, information such as geolocation of employees, number of performed PCR exams and amount of recovered employees is integrated. Among other actions, this allows informed decision-making, shift management and identification of risk groups that require preventive quarantine.

One of the leading companies in the mining sector states that the Tiaxa platform has enabled planning and activity of the mining operations. The solution also integrates contact tracing technology that monitors workers and alerts them in the event of violation of breaches of social distancing measures, by means of small devices assigned to each worker.

Tiaxa’s solution has been highly valued at mining sites. This intelligent platform is constantly evolving and permitting Chile’s leading economic sector to continue growing.